Here at St Paul’s we welcome children and adults who wish to learn more about and grow in the Christian faith. There is no charge for baptisms, as God’s love for us is free!
Baptism is the way in which a person (baby, child or adult) is formally introduced to God and to their new family, the Church. For those not yet ready to take on the responsibilities of Christian faith and Church membership, we offer a service of Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child.
Baptisms usually are held during the 11am Service. We ask you and your godparents to attend a Service a few weeks beforehand so that you are comfortable with the people and surrounds in the Cathedral. This is followed by a conversation with one of the clergy in which the baptism service and the promises and responsibilities of baptism are explained.
For those wishing to continue this journey or to take on for themselves the baptismal promises made for them as children, Confirmation is offered. Preparation for Confirmation usually takes place in a group where faith and the life of the Christian community is explored. Confirmation is celebrated by the diocesan Bishop and often takes place on Easter Day.
For further information contact the Parish Office:
03 5443 5061